Sunday, May 31, 2009

reality strikes

re-typed from a journal entry written Sunday May 31.

It's a sunny day. 12 noon. The town is buzzing with activity. Out my breezy bedroom curtain I can hear Aiden running around the house, the porch door banging in the wind, a few lawn mowers working away, our dog's collar tags jingling as he runs through our yard. I lay on my bed tears streaming watching Gabby sleep on my bed.
Again today reality hit me. Reminding me of what I have lost. Kathy- Grant's Mom, who lives a block away found a box of Reece's clothing and other items (a Dora doll etc) in her garage. Grant and I looked through it quickly, most of it was new clothes that she had not worn yet. Most still had the tags on. I could barely remember the items. But there was a pair of light blue jeans and a light aqua blue t-shirt, that I thought I could remember her wearing. I often dressed her in blues because of her amazing blue eyes- like nothing I'd seen before. Like she could see through you.
In the faint hope of holding on to her in some small way I smelled the shirt.

I can barely write this as I now know how painful it was in that moment, and is now, to realize her smell was not on that shirt. Then I cried with the realization that all trace of her existence here in our home here in our world has been erased by time. I can barely remember her smell.

Right now I look at Gabby and with that I could hold her the way I would hold Reece. Her head nestled into my neck her hand on my shoulder, with her blankie in hand....
I know there's no use.
It's not the same.
I'll never have that back.
I told Grant this morning that I had done such a good job keeping it 'together' over the past month but now faced with another reminder of what we've lost I can't fake my happiness, my strength or my 'normalcy' today.
Today I am weak.
I am sad.
I am angry.
I am grieving.