Thursday, January 24, 2008

Process of Elimination

Here's the latest:

Our family Doctor talked to the Coroner. Seeing as we were desperate to know all that we could. She said they ruled out anything 'congenital', Reece's blood work came back "normal", it wasn't cancer, it wasn't a heart defect, it wasn't an allergic reaction to something in the house, the bacterial culture from her ear showed that the anti-biotics she had started had in fact kicked in...

so what does that leave us with?

WELL- Meningitis or Pneumonia cannot be ruled out at this point. Because she was on a 'second line' antibiotic, it could have masked the infection(s?).

The waiting continues.

Some consolation can be taken from the fact that it is taking them this long to figure it out- obviously taking her to emergency that night would not have changed the inevitable outcome.

Below is a video from early this summer, the drives home were something to get used to for our girls. Aiden would fall asleep once we hit the highway, and Reece would scream (she never liked being strapped into a car seat!) So to keep Reece appeased the chocolate-covered-lady-finger cookies would flow freely to the back seat!


Tara Campbell said...

She is so beautiful chocolate covered and all. Thank you for letting me love her.

keelerskiddiecare said...

My time with Reece was only to short but I would never have given it up. Your perfect little Angle left little prints all over my heart and there they will forever stay. Please give my love to Aiden and Grant.

Shann said...

Hey there, Thanks for letting us see the greatest parts of your life!! xoxoxoxo

Christie said...

The pictures and videos are wonderful! I am happy you shared them. Even though I never knew your angel she has already won my heart and thoughts!

I wish I would have thought of chocolate covered lady fingers! Was she hyper after the trip?

Chris said...
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Chris said...

We`ve never met, yet you have touched my life in a way I could never explain. You e-mailed me recently after I had left a message in Reece`s online guestbook. You are an amazing woman and mother with the strength few have. I know that each day is a struggle, and it feels like you will never win. I wish I could say that it will go away, but the truth is it never will - it only becomes liveable. I had to find a way to have my daughter with me always (she passed away in 2003). What I did was get a tattoo of her baby foot prints on my ankle - this way she always walks with me. I have it on the inside ankle so I can always see them. It was an actual scan of the ink prints the hospital did. Maybe you can find something that will comfort you too.
Hang in there. The struggle is long and hard, but you will make it through. You have a world of support behind you.

MummyAnge said...

Thank you Chris. I hope that someday we will get to meet. I know that you speak from experience, and it means the world to me, to have your encouragement. It surprises me how much strength Grant and I both, have been able to draw from the words you and our other friends have given us. This is what keeps us putting one foot in front of the other. I can't thank you enough.